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Any advertisement, whether it is on a billboard, magazine page, or television screen, the advertising firm and people associated with its creation try to get a unique message across to a preferred audience. This is usually done by using manipulative techniques to encourage a response in the advertisement's target audience. There are many techniques used to manipulate the viewer, those of which would be all related to the AIDA theory of attention, interest, desire and action. The use of these four core techniques provide a good basis on how successful the advertisement would be. Creators of a particular advertisement incorporating these techniques in a way that aren't usually distinguishable at first. With the print advertisement of "It Runs in the Family" a number of these factors that determine the successfulness of the advertisement come into account.
Through genre, a target audience which every advertisement has is determined by the genre. For this particular advertisement for "It Runs in the Family", the particular audience it's aimed at is noticeably of family. The most obvious feature of determining the target audience is of the slightly casual and formal type portrait of a family as the advertisement's main image. The fashion in which the advertisement is advertised suggests that it is mainly aimed at adult audiences which are reaching, past or are at the family stage of their life. The impact on any other audiences is fairly light because simply, the film isn't set out to attract them particularly. Such as trying to get people who view action movies to see "It Runs in the Family" where simply, it won't work out because these action viewers are interested in heavy, blown up advertising, not a main image of a family.
The advertisement persuades the target audience to fall for the movie in a sly way. This slyness is done in a fashion where the symbols and use of language is presented in way to best suit the target audience and have persuasion. One way is through the slogan of the movie being "Some families can survive anything. Even each other" how it sums up the movie in a small phrase, making people curious and want to find out about the movie. The two main actors in the movie are father and son and the title of the movie, "It Runs in the Family" gives the sense of the saying like father, like son which tells us that some characteristics of one character is the same of another character. This would immediately bring out the point that a character in the movie wants to be unique, but is frustrated that they have inherited another characters attributes and wants to rid of these. The captioned text the advertisement has gives us hints that this is true.
The way the family is presented to us is that they are giving the impression that they are of middle to upper class of society. They are all well dressed, being in trend for the younger family members and upper-class style clothes with jewellery for the two elderly members. From the impression that the photo gives us as they are middle to upper class, they would be bonded and in touch with one another where they would have qualities of a typical family.
Write my Essay on print advertising 'it runs in the family' for me
The advertisement encourages societal values by promoting a family that sticks together no matter what is thrown at them, which is encapsulated by the advertisements tag line of "Some families can survive anything. Even each other." Families would also be attracted to the film by as the final line of the caption being "about the loving, frustrating, reassuring, insane and ultimately inescapable bonds of family" which promotes a typical family where issues like the caption states are faced by families worldwide.
A gimmick used to achieve the advertiser's purpose also persuades the reader to take action and gains their attention and interest with viewers of the advertisement being drawn to a chance to "Win one of 50 double movie passes" stated boldly which is attached to a coupon. Some viewers might ignore the competition and read the article anyway. The aim of the bold heading would be to gain the attention of viewers for a competition, then persuade them to read the article as a type of condition attached to the competition through a decision to see the movie.
I think this advertisement would be successful for its 'family' orientated audiences. Being apart of the 'family' genre which is more challenging to sell to, the advertisement has implemented aspects of attention, interest, desire and action effectively. Through its use of these factors, this particular advertising campaign as a magazine advertisement would be successful. The creators have used unique features of the factors to successfully make the advertisement work.
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