

If you order your cheap essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Ephedra. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Ephedra paper right on time. Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Ephedra, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Ephedra paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service! Fat Burner or Deadly Killer

In America there are millions of people who are overweight or considered obese. These people normally try many fad exercises or the newest craze diet. Unfortunately many of these people never lose any weight on these expensive crazy lose weight quick schemes. Good thing for the millions of people there¡¦s a herb called ephedra that can help you lose bodyweight without any physical activity. Many Americans everyday lose weight with the help of ephedra and now certain circles want this substance banned. Recently ephedra has come under scrutiny due to the untimely deaths of high school and professional athletes. After these tragic deaths there have been discussions on whether ephedra should continue to be a legal substance approved by the Food and Drug Administration. After extensive research the medical community has found no real substantial evidence to prove ephedra¡¦s negative effects. Ephedra is a safe product that has become a scapegoat because of the unexpected death of athletes. Ephedra is under investigation due to the increased number of athletes who have been found to have forms of ephedra in their system.

Ephedra is a natural thermogenic chemical taken from the herb Ma Huang and used in many fat burning supplement products. Ephedra helps raise your metabolism and helps boost energy levels to help the body burn fat more effectively. Athletes love ephedra because it allows them to not feel as fatigued and push beyond their normal limits. Athletes and others interested in losing weight take over the counter fat burning supplements that contain ephedra. Ephedra is a main ingredient in such high profile products as Metabolife, Ripped Fuel, Hydroxycut, and Xenadrine. Ephedra is one of the main ingredients in all of these supplements. Many fat burning products are ephedra-laced due to its great ability to aid in fat loss. The reason most people use these products is the proven ability of ephedra to increase your metabolism without any physical activity. In a recent study conducted by Harvard scientists using two groups of obese subjects showed that, ¡§Ephedra used with an exercise routine and diet cause a 50% reduction in weight loss compared to a placebo group¡¨ (Schmaltz 00). Athletes use these supplements to help increase energy levels during and after extreme workouts. So the normal person wanting to lose weight can take these supplements combined with physical activity and a healthy diet can lose weight at an amazing rate. With the increased popularity of these products has come increased pressure from the media to ban products containing ephedra.

The media has been the main source of bad publicity of ephedra-laced products. In the summer of 001 professional NFL player Korey Stringer died during a practice. Even though the autopsy confirmed, ¡§that his death was due to heatstroke, and he had no supplements in his system when he tragically collapsed on the field¡¨ (Schmaltz, 00). It¡¦s documented that Mr. Stringer took ephedra products every offseason right before training camp to trim down to playing weight. After his tragic death, ¡§the NFL was the first professional sports league to ban the use of ephedra, allowing any player that fails a random testing for ephedra to be suspended for four games¡¨ (Ephedra). Other athletic organizations have banned ephedra, ¡§The NCAA has banned the use of ephedra containing products since 17, and the Olympics have not allowed ephedra for over ten years¡¨ (Ephedra). It¡¦s crazy to think these sports organizations would ban a product without proper research and findings on what potential side effects there are from ephedra use. Recently ephedra has resurfaced this year with the death of Baltimore Oriole pitcher Steve Bechler. In this case the autopsy has confirmed, ¡§Steve died of a heatstroke but was found to have ephedra in his system¡¨ (Ephedra). The media has been eating up these stories left and right. The main problem is the media always looks for a scapegoat when it covers tragic deaths. It would seem that every time an athlete happens to collapse during a sport activity they point the finger at ephedra. Sense this is something the media always does it should be expected but the media should also be expected to print the real reason of death in these cases. The Ripped Fuel label, an Ephedra-based fat burning supplements, read clearly, ¡§Consult a physician before using this product. Do not use if you have or have a family history of heart, kidney, liver or thyroid disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, recurrent headaches depression or other psychiatric condition, glaucoma, difficulty in urinating, prostate enlargement, or seizure disorder¡¨ (Ripped Fuel). One of the main things most product labels read, ¡§consume at least 8-10 glasses of water, also do not take more then recommended dose of six pills in a twenty four hour period.¡¨ Recent articles about athletes dying usually state they have taken large amounts of ephedra supplements. Ephedra is like any other natural herb it will only benefit the user to a certain point and after that time it will produce a diminished return on results. You can relate this effect to caffeine, the longer you take it the more caffeine you¡¦ll need to take to get the effect you want. Because of this most fat burning products state ¡§use product for at least 8 and no more then 1 weeks at a time¡¨ (Ripped Fuel). So is the true cause for death the products or the one using the products. Only the medical community will really be able to tell if ephedra is truly a deadly product and should be banned.

Write my Essay on Ephedra for me

The medical community seems to be split on the issue of ephedra¡¦s adverse side effects. The list of supposed side effects of ephedra use are,

„h Tremor-shakes or simply withdrawal symptoms.

„h Gastro-intestinal distress-Usually in the form of gas, stomach cramps, and nausea.

„h Myocardial Infraction- Damage to the heart and secondary to its loss of blood supply.

„h Hepatitis-Inflammation and infection of the liver.

„h Stroke-Sudden rupture or clotting of a blood vessel to the brain.

„h Seizures-Sudden attack of a condition says it¡¦s the abrupt sever pain caused by a stone in the kidney or ureter or a sudden convulsion as seen in epilepsy.

„h Psychosis-An extreme mental disorder, usually involving the functioning of the mind rather then organic disease.

„h Mastitis-Inflammation of a breast.

„h Pancreatitis- Inflammation of the pancreas sometimes associated with hemorrhage, shock and death.

„h Congenial Heart Defect-Causes an irregular heart beat and can cause heart to stop.

„h Hypothermia- A lower then normal temperature.

„h Ovarian Tumor-Cancer of the ovary causing inflammation.

„h Thyroid Tumor-Swelling of the thyroid gland that regulates body metabolism.

„h Alternations in Blood Pressure or Heart Rate-extreme fluctuation in rate or heart or blood pressure.

„h Death-Loss of life.

Although these supposed side effects have yet to be proven scientifically. Ephedra use is ¡§very dangerous for athletes because it depletes the body of water as well as causing cardiovascular effects because it is a stimulant¡¨(Ephedra). This would be why most products advise all users to consume more water then normal during prolonged use of product. According to an examination of 76 adverse effect reports of ephedra by the FDA released in April 000 showed, ¡§few reports that are well-documented do not support an association between dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids consumed according to industry standards and serious adverse effects¡¨ (EEC). After the FDA reviewed the documents, ¡§Approximately 7% of the Adverse Effect Reports have little information that can be useful to prove ephedra as the cause of effect¡¨ (EEC). Most of the reports do not show how much of the product was consumed, frequency of use, or even what product was consumed. After research the FDA concluded, ¡§alleged medical conditions considered medically implausible or obviously due to some other risk factor¡¨ (EEC). These conditions are

„h Deaths due to Hyperthermia

„h Death due to congenital heart defect

„h Ovarian Tumor

„h Thyroid Tumor

„h Mastitis

„h Pancreatitis

When the FDA panel concluded, ¡§the entire panel reached a consensus that there is no association between the use of dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids and serious adverse effects when used according to the American Herbal Products Association trade recommendation for ephedra products¡¨ (EEC). The FDA is still conducting extensive research on ephedra and it¡¦s effects.

Ephedra has been shown to help users loss at least five to ten pounds in first four weeks of use. The International Journal of Obesity conducted a random test on ephedra fat loss results. The test concluded, ¡§herbal ephedra promoted bodyweight and bodyfat reduction and improved blood lipids without significant adverse events¡¨ (Schmaltz, 00). Supplements that contain ephedra have helped thousands of people succeed in their battle against weight control. Ephedra is important to many people including many of our top performing athletes in every sport. Athletes use ephedra supplements to give them that extra energy boost they need for extreme workouts or cutting weight before the upcoming season. The death of athletes has led the media to search for some reason for these horrible incidents. When this happens normally the media finds the first thing they can latch onto and in these cases it¡¦s been ephedra supplements. The media has caused people to be scared and skeptical of ephedra products because of tragic misfortunes. Only when the medical community can get the necessary information needed to decided the real effects of ephedra use, should the media or any other entity make judgements on it¡¦s use. In doing so the FDA can then make a educated decision on whether ephedra should be a banned substance. Ephedra supplements are safe and can provide an extra hand in fat loss. After looking through different articles the medical community concludes that used appropriately and with a physician¡¦s approval ephedra use should have minimal side effects. I think ephedra is a safe supplement to use and should not be banned by the FDA or by professional sports.

Works Cited

Ephedra and Athletes. ¡§Ephedrine News.¡¨ Online Posting. 1 April 00. 4 April 00.


Health Professionals. ¡§An Examination of the 76 Adverse Event Reports That FDA

Released in April 000.¡¨ Ephedra Education Council. 4 April 00.


Rothenberg, Robert. M.D. (175). The New American Medical Dictionary and Health

Manual (rd ed). New York The New American Library.

Schmaltz, Jim. (00 August). Ephredrine Safe, Says Study. Flex, 8

Please note that this sample paper on Ephedra is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Ephedra, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom research papers on Ephedra will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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A Twisted Attraction


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on A Twisted Attraction. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality A Twisted Attraction paper right on time. Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in A Twisted Attraction, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your A Twisted Attraction paper at affordable prices!

"My knifes so nice and sharp I want to get to work right away…."

-Jack the Ripper

A Twisted Attraction

Jack the Ripper few names in history are as recognizable as this anonymous assailant's. Violence has always been a twisted attraction for many, yet the mere name 'Jack the Ripper' conjures images of brutality and murder more than one hundred years later. Why is this symbol of crime as popular today as he was during Victorian times? What has continued the fascination with such a villain? More has been written on Jack the Ripper than on all the U.S. presidents combined, and the allure still continues to capture interest generations later.

To understand why Jack the Ripper still carries attention over a century later it is necessary to be familiar with the circumstances under which this villain became so popular in the first place. Hundreds of letters were received from the alleged murderer by police, newspapers, and other individuals associated with the case during the Ripper's reign of terror. Of these numerous letters, three proved to be "lasting food for Ripper scholars" and two actually coined the name "Jack the Ripper." These two letters, written in red ink, were circulated as police "placed facsimiles of them outside every police station," hoping to obtain recognition of the murderer's handwriting (Bardsley, ch. 8). The letters were published in their entirety in just about every major newspaper in England at that time, creating more publicity than any other case in history up to that point. Needless to say, the publishing of his letters only created a series of copy-cat letters delivered by the hundreds. The third letter was sent to George Lusk, head of the Mile End Vigilance Committee and was accompanied by a segment of a human kidney, supposedly infected by Bright's disease which affected the victim Kate Eddowes as determined by police surgeon Dr. Brown. This letter was agreed to have been written by a different hand than the previous two and was signed simply "Catch me when you can Mishter Lusk." The third letter sparked further debate and testimony from those involved with the murders, providing another continued aspect of the mystery blown up by the press.

The press was, by far, the most involved contributor towards the publicity of the Ripper murders during 1888. From the discovery of the first victim, Nichols, on August 1 through the publicity surrounding Kelly's murder on November 16, the Times published approximately 11,000 words about the murders and related topics (Curtis 0). One newspaper, the Daily Telegraph, produced a total of seventy-two columns in roughly twenty-four issues, boasting "the highest circulation (roughly 00,000) of any morning paper in London" (Curtis 01). Even after evidence that he had stopped murdering, any attack on a woman, especially an assault by knife-point, "spurred Fleet Street to revive the specter of the Ripper. Not even the absence of a slashed throat… deterred journalists" from bringing up his name (Curtis 06). For example, when reporting the Poplar residence murder of a woman "Lizzie," the newspaper, the Star, used the extended headline stating "IS HE A THUG?/ A STARTLING LIGHT ON THE WHITECHAPEL CRIMES/ THE ROPE BEFORE THE KNIFE," connecting these cases as "the work of the same man" (Curtis 06). The Poplar murders did not bear the signature mutilations of the Whitechapel crimes; however, the press continued to exploit the infamous name Jack the Ripper all the same.

The Ripper's connection with notoriety also weighs heavily on the serial killer's choice of victims. All five victims were prostitutes working in London's disreputable East End, and all but one, Mary Kelly, were over the age of forty. Because of their lifestyles, the press was able to utilize the lurid, scandalous side of the crimes, thus building additional allure. The Ripper preyed on women "trapped in the downward spiral of drink and prostitution" and broken marriages, allowing the press to establish a twisted attraction with the crimes among the population (Sinister World of Jack the Ripper). Mary Anne Nichols, "Polly," was the first to fall victim at the hand of the Ripper. After the betrayal of her husband, "Polly" succumbed to prostitution as an effort to support five children. Annie Chapman, "a street hardened rouge," Elizabeth Stride and Catherine Eddowes also resorted to prostitution late in life after a series of downfalls and habitual drinking (Sinister World). At age 5, Mary Kelly proved to be an exception in the usual targets of the East End murders. Being "tall and pretty, and as fair as a lily," she was much more suitable for London's prestigious West End (Sinister World).

In combination with the sexual innuendo in the Ripper's crimes, the animalistic nature of the slaughters also produced substantial fear and fascination. Each victim's throat was slashed through the jugular vein by a six to eight inch blade, almost to the point of decapitation, the abdomen severed and laid open with the intestines lifted outside the body, and "the uterus and its appendages, with the upper portion of the vagina and the posterior two-thirds of the bladder…entirely removed" (Bardsley, ch. 4). The deceased were arranged with the legs "drawn up, the feet resting on the ground, and the knees turned outwards" and skirts lifted to the pelvis. It is pure human nature to be intrigued with obscurity or grotesqueness, and it is that basic instinct that continues to drive the fascination with the 'Whitechapel Murders' (Bardsley, ch. 4). Filmmakers, writers, and the like continue to use aspects of the Ripper murders in the entertainment industry to attract audiences and develop money-making thrillers such as the recent Ripper spin-off From Hell.

The murders have remained among the world's greatest unsolved mysteries, capturing the undying interest of both skilled and recreational sleuths for over one hundred years. "Despite the thousands of hours of work on this case, there is not yet one suspect for which a strong unimpeachable case can be made," making Jack the Ripper a classic 'whodunit' legend (Bardsley, ch. 1). This 'faceless predator' offered few clues to police and "at the time of the murders, detectives had never before experienced the apparently motiveless brutality of the world's first serial killer," creating uncertainty among authorities and allowing blame to be fingered upon many unjustified suspects. "Developing persuasive cases about Jack the Ripper suspects has become a profitable cottage industry," much has been written on naming anyone who fit the basic description of a right-handed white male between the ages of twenty and forty; the only distinguishing factors being that some medical expertise and a possible foreign affiliation. (Bardsley, ch. 11) Anyone and everyone was a suspect. Even Prince Albert Victor, the Duke of Clarence, was at one point blamed due to his "twilight trips to the East End to indulge in homosexual practices" (Sinister World). The fact that the victim Mary Kelly was nursemaid to the prince's wife at the time only fueled the authorities and the press with the discredit needed for prosecution. Patricia Cornwell turned Jack the Ripper into a nationwide best-seller in her latest book Portrait of a Killer. In her novel Cornwell claims that the British painter Walter Sickert to be the culprit after her forensic team studied the Ripper letters along with over thirty of Sickert's paintings. When pictures taken of Catherine Eddowes' sutured throat were juxtaposed with Sickert's painting Le Journal, Cornwell found that "the similarities are startling" (Cornwell 40).

Jack the Ripper has been resurrected sporadically over the last hundred years by the media, allowing his infamous name to live on. With the release of "official United Kingdom government archives" indicating secret material not to be opened until 188, the public relived the horrors of the Ripper's crimes (Sinister World). No further clues were established and it was found that much of the material was actually missing, creating more gossip in an already scandalous case. Numerous films, books, and newspapers have been sold, making the 'Whitechapel murderer' a huge money-making industry. The Original London Walks company offers a "guided walk… visiting the sites where the murders were committed," reviving the ghost of the Ripper each night at seven-thirty (Sinister World).

Many features of the Ripper crimes have established an undying curiosity surrounding the murders. An ever increasing volume of media is being written depicting aspects relating to victims, suspects, and circumstances of the legendary serial killer, generating a symbol of crime as renown today as in Victorian times. The mystery and grotesqueness of the murders has spurred a continuing fascination with the Ripper, exposing the case as a truly twisted attraction.

Works Cited

Bardsley, Marilyn. "Jack the Ripper." Court TV's Crime Library. 1 Apr. 00.


Cornwell, Patricia. Portrait of a Killer Jack the Ripper Case Closed. New York

Penguin, 00.

Curtis, Perry L., Jr. Jack the Ripper and the London Press. Yale University Press 001.

Sinister World of Jack the Ripper. 18 Apr. 00.


Works Cited

Bardsley, Marilyn. "Jack the Ripper." Court TV's Crime Library. 1 Apr. 00.


Cornwell, Patricia. Portrait of a Killer Jack the Ripper Case Closed. New York

Penguin, 00.

Curtis, Perry L., Jr. Jack the Ripper and the London Press. Yale University Press 001.

Sinister World of Jack the Ripper. 18 Apr. 00.


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If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on complaint. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality complaint paper right on time. Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in complaint, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your complaint paper at affordable prices!

We refer to your to your letter of December 00 regarding the complaint made by Matthew Jones against the Pittwater RSL Club alleging that he was sexually harassed in his employment under the terms of the Sex Discrimination Act 184 and harassed on the basis of his disability under the terms of the Disability Discrimination Act 1.

Firstly we advise Pittwater RSL Club ("the Club") is an equal opportunity workplace. We enclose a copy of our Anti Discrimination and Harassment policy. This policy is affixed to numerous notice boards throughout the Club. All employees are made aware of the Club's policy.

As we understand the circumstances were as follows

1. The first alleged sexual harassment allegedly occurred in May or June 1. The second alleged incident occurred sometime in November, 1 and the rd and 4th alleged incidents were in February 000. Matthew Jones )"Matthew") has also alleged harassment on the basis of his disability. This alleged incident occurred some time in February, 000.

. It was not until 1th April, 000 (by the Union) that the Club was notified of an alleged sexual assault taking place. A full investigation was immediately carried out by the Club. The first meeting with the Club and Matthew was held on 17th April, 000. The police were also contacted on 17th April, 000.

. For the purpose of the investigation statements were obtained from

(a) Matthew Jones;

(b) Alex Chiam;

(c) Keith Wyllie;

(d) Joe Caruso;

(e) John Bali;

(f) Stephen Durrant;

(g) David Quinn.

These statements are enclosed.

The Dee Why police also obtained a statement from Matthew, and a copy of this statement dated 4 May 000 is also attached.

Although Matthew alleges specific incidents occurred in May or June 1, November 1 and April 0 April 000 that the staff at the Club noticed Matthew had become considerably stressed and then required leave from works We also note that at this time Matthew's girlfriend Amber Metcalfe had become pregnant and was causing Matthew considerable stress. An Interim Apprehended Violence Order was obtained on 0th May, 000 against Amber Metcalfe, copies of which are attached.

At no time was Matthew treated any differently to any other employee. To the contrary, the Club, by its senior management endeavoured to assist Matthew in all possible ways, especially dealing with the complaints made by Matthew.

In response to your particular enquiries we reply using the same numbering as follows

1. The Club is an incorporated association. Its ABN is 1 001 05 80.

. Matthew was employed by the Club from 4 March 1 until 4 January 00. Mathew was employed as a Chef under the supervision of Alex Chiam (Catering Manager) and Joe Caruso (Head Chef). A copy of Matthew's job description is attached. As the Club has one main kitchen, one holding (functions) kitchen and a coffee shop. Matthew was required to work in all the kitchens (as were all other persons working in the kitchen). We are unaware of Matthew's current employment status or his current contact details.

. Mr Alex Chiam was employed by the Club as Catering Manager from th March 1 until nd September 000. He resigned, as Catering Manager on his own volition. We are unaware of Mr Chiam's current employment status or his current address. Attached is a statement by Alex Chiam in relation to the sexual harassment allegations. Also attached is a statement from Alex Chiam dated 6th April 000 and a statement by Therese Newton, undated. We understand Matthew and Alex Chiam were friends, who socialised together, until 000, when the allegations were made by Matthew against Alex Chiam.

4. We confirm the allegations of sexual harassment were not brought to our attention until we received a call from the Union representative requesting a meeting with the Club with regard to the complaint made by Matthew. This was despite the alleged incidents occurring in May/June 1, November 1 and February 000. We also confirm the following events then occurred

· On Monday, 17 April 000 a meeting was held with Matthew and the police were also notified.

· The next Thursday, 0 April 000, a meeting with Alex Chiam was held and Mr Chiam was advised that his employment was to be suspended on full pay until the alleged claim had been resolved.

· On 6 and 7 April 000, statements were obtained from staff, including Joe Caruso, Keith Wyllie, Stephen Durant, John Bali and David Quinn (attached), to investigate the allegations made by Matthew.

· On 4 April, 000 a meeting was held with Dee Why Police, Matthew and the Club.

· On 7 April 000 the Club received a medical certificate from Matthew certifying that he was unfit for work 7 April 000 to May 000 (a copy of which is attached). The certificate states he was "suffering from a medical condition".

· On 8 April 000 Matthew was advised in writing that a meeting was requested between himself and the Club regarding the allegations. The Club had concluded that there was no foundation for the allegations and Matthew was advised that he was suspended from employment until a meeting could be arranged and the matter resolved.

· On Monday 1 May 000 the Club received a medical certificate from Matthew certifying he was unfit for work 1 May 000 to 1 May 000. There was no reason stated on that certificate (attached).

· On 15 May 000 the Club received a fax from Matthew requesting annual leave commencing on the completion of his medical certificate.

· On 5 May 000 the Club received a Workcover certificate from Matthew certifying he was "totally unfit for work from 7 April 000 to 5 June 000" (attached).

· On 5 May 000 the Club was informed by Dee Why Police that Matthew had made a formal statement and a full investigation would be carried out, interviewing all persons mentioned in Matthew's statement. To our knowledge and as informed by Dee Why Police no charges were made against any persons.

We advise Matthew was only suspended from work (on 8 April 000) after the Club had concluded that there were no foundations for his allegations and on the basis that it was temporary until a meeting could be held with him and the matter resolved. Matthew was suspended from duty on full pay (8 hours per week).

On 8 July 000 Matthew and the Club signed an Agreement to work alternative hours (attached) and on 8 August 000 Matthew commenced working a 6 hour week, but was paid a 8 hour week, as per the Agreement. This arrangement continued for some time, until May 001 when Matthew began to take considerable time off for sick leave and annual leave. Leave taken was as follows

8.04.00 Suspended from duty with full pay.

0.07.00 8 hours sick leave paid.

7.11.01 Sick leave of 8 hours taken.

1.0.01 Sick leave of 8 hours taken.

16.04.01 Sick leave of hours taken.

8.05.01 hours sick leave paid.

04.06.01 8 hours sick leave paid.

11.06.01 64 hours sick leave paid.

18.06.01 14 hours annual leave paid.

5.06.01 8 hours annual leave paid.

0.07.01 8 hours annual leave paid.

0.07.01 8 hours annual leave paid.

16.07.0 8 hours annual leave paid.

.07.01 8 hours annual leave paid.

0.07.01 8 hours annual leave paid.

5. Attached is a Chronology of events relating to Matthew's employment at the Club, including dates that he was at work and dates that he was not, including copies of any Medical Certificates received. A return to work proposal was adopted for Matthew in order that he could return to work. Enclosed are

(a) Return to Work Proposal for Matthew.

(b) Letter to Matthew dated 8th July, 000 advising of a revised roster.

(c) Agreement to adopt alternative pattern of hours.

(d) Letter to Matthew from the Club dated June, 000.

(e) Letter to Matthew from the Club dated January, 00.

(f) Letter to Matthew from the Club dated 18 January, 00

(g) Letter to Matthew from the Club dated 0 January, 00.

The Club went to considerable effort to accommodate Matthew so that he could continue working. Unfortunately this arrangement did not appear to work for Matthew as considerable time was taken off work by him, as evidenced above. Finally, after the Club had made all possible attempts to accommodate Matthew, it had no alternative but to terminate his employment, as seen by the letters dated , 18 and 0 January 00 above.

6. We will obtain a statement from Joe Caruso and send it to you, as soon as Mr. Caruso returns from annual leave on January, 00.

7. Attached is a copy of the Club's Anti Discrimination and Harassment Policy.

We confirm the Anti Discrimination Policy is affixed to numerous notice boards throughout the Club and all employees are made aware of the Club's policy. We also advise the Club is an equal opportunity employer. Employees are employed on the basis of their experience and they are promoted on the basis of credit. The Club employs people of different nationalities, age, abilities and does not permit discrimination in any form. The Club would never have permitted any harassment of any form was it brought to their knowledge. As soon as Matthew brought the allegations to the attention of the Club the matter was addressed immediately.

The Club undertook a fair and lengthy investigation into Matthew's allegations and concluded that there were no foundations for his allegations. Despite this conclusion the Club continued to employ Matthew and make considerable payments of sick leave and annual leave to Matthew.

Despite considerable efforts being made by the Club for Matthew to return to work, and special arrangements being adopted by the Club in order that Matthew could work at times that suited him, (and an extra two hours being paid), Matthew did not return to work after May 001. It would appear that Matthew was under considerable stress and this affected his ability to work. We also note Matthew was involved in Family Law proceedings commenced by his girlfriend Amber, in relation to their child. We enclose a copy of a Subpoena addressed to the Club, dated December, 00. We also note that Matthew has previously instituted proceedings for unfair dismissal which were unsuccessful (orders attached), and that Matthew has previously commenced proceedings against his former employer Bathurst RSL. However as Matthew reused to return to work despite numerous requests, the Club had no alternative but to terminate Matthew's employment on 40 January, 00 (letter attached).

Please let us know if you require any further information.

Yours faithfully

Please note that this sample paper on complaint is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on complaint, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on complaint will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Chlamydia ¡§ Infection and Heart Disease Linked Through Antigenic Mimicry.¡¨ Kurt Bachmaier


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Spring ¡¥


Evolution of microbes has provided some advance features for them to adopt to their surrounding environment. One of these features is that their ability to disguise themselves as the host to survive from possible immunological responses. Due to this mimicry, immune cells can mistakenly act on bodys own tissues. This is believed to be the way of getting inflammatory heart disease following Chlamydia infection. Chlamydia pathogen makes a peptide that mimics a portion of a heart muscle specific myosin peptide. This bacterial protein causes CD4+ T cells to recognize heart muscle specific peptide in association with MHC class II molecules and attack the heart muscle causing a severe inflammation. Eventhough the exact mechanism which this inflammation occurs is unknown, amino acid segment that causes for the disease in mice and human have been identified.


BALB/c mice were immunized with 0 amino acid peptide of the cardiac specific �myosin heavy chain molecule [��mhc (amino acid 614 to 64)] and this caused to induce a severe inflammatory heart disease in those mice. Induction of disease from first 16 amino acids of �myosin heavy chain [��mhc (614-6)] , designated as M7A��, was compared with the homologous region of �myosin heavy chain isoform, designated as M7A��, and no induction of the disease by the of �myosin heavy chain isoform was observed (See Table 1 and Fig 1A & 1B. Substitution of single amino acid into M7A�amino acid residues xxxxMAxxxSTxxxxx ( x is any amino acid) were important for the pathogenacity of M7A�in vivo. Disease was induced when homologue human M7A�was injected into BALB/c mice. This showed that the conservation of immunogenic amino acids between human and mice �myosin heavy chains. Homologous peptide sequences from the 60 kD Cysteine-rich outer membrane protein (CRP) from different serovars of Chlamydia trachomatis [designated as ChTR1(serovar E), ChTR (serovar C)and ChTR ( serovar L1,L & L)] as well as C. Pneumoniae (ChPN) and C. Psittaci (ChPS) were screened ( Table 1). There were no other conserved regions found on the primary sequences besides MAxxxST motif in all screened samples.

To test the antigenic mimicry between Chlamydia peptide and M7A�for antigen induced inflammatory heart disease, BALB/c mice were immunized with murine M7A�or homologous 60-kD CRP p11-derived peptides in Freunds complete adjuvant (FCA). This experiment showed that all of the Chlamydia derived peptides induced myocarditis comparably lower severity when compare with M7A��-immunized mice but they all occurred at a similar frequency (Table 1).

Immunohistochemical characterization showed that inflammatory infiltrate in ChTR1 peptide induced heart disease was similar to cardiac myosin and cardiac myosin induced myocarditis and consisted of about 11% CD4+ and 1% CD8+ T cells, 16% B0+ B cells and 61% CD11b+ macrophages ( Fig 1).

Possible inflammation on heart that could caused by peptide sequences which were responsible for inflammating other vital organs such as Liver, Lungs, Kidneys etc. was tested by injecting mice either with human immunodeficiency virus- [gp 160(71-8), INFIGPGKGSPDE] or parainfluenza virus 1 [HT8b hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (1-0), DLVFDILDLKGKTKSPRYK]derived peptide which shared homology with other immunogenic regions of the mouse

��mhc molecule [��mhc (75-747), GQFIDSGKGAEKL, and ��mhc (14-), DSAFDVLSFTAEEKAGVYK]. This test did not induce inflammatory heart disease.

One another experiment was conducted to test the mimicry between cardiac specific peptide and Chlamydia derived peptides which was indirectly confirmed the peptides other than M7A�did not responsible for myocarditis. BALB/c mice were immunized with M7A��, ChTR1 or another cardiac specific ��mhc-derived peptide (designated as kk�and it was restricted to I-Ak MHC class II molecules). kk�immunization induced myocarditis in A/J (I-Ak) mice but not in BALB/c (I-Ad) mice. 8 days after the immunization with M7A�or ChTR1, but not kk�alone, splenomegaly occurred and also increase the count of TCR ����+ CD4+ T cells, B0+B cells and CD11b+ macrophages. Also, splenic T cells proliferated strongly upon incubation of splenocytes with either M7A�or ChTR1 (Fig A). But this proliferation did not occur when �×-irradiated splenocytes incubated with non-pathogenic kk�peptide. This experiment was further expanded as follows

- splenic T cells were proliferated to ChTR1 and M7A�when mice immunized with ChTR1. But this proliferation did not occur when mice were immunized with FCA. This proved that ChTR1 peptide immunization can cross-primed for T cell reactivity against the endogenous M7A��.

Another experiment was conducted to identify the epitope spreading. In case of autoimmune myocarditis, T-cell dependent autoantibodies are produced against cardiac epitopes. Immunization with M7A�induced the production of serum antibodies for disease inducting M7A�peptide, ChTR1 peptide and kk�peptide. When mice immunized with ChTR1 peptide, the same response was observed. This conclude that, in both cases, it caused epitope spread at B cell level. Chlamydia infection occur in Lungs and reproductive organs. FCA was used as a potent immunoactivator in the experimental model which was design to identify how the infection on these organs induce myocarditis. A test was done find whether bacterial DNA-derived synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) containing unmethylated CpG islands could act as adjuvant for peptide mediated autoimmunity. ODNs containing various synthetic CpG motif has the ability to trigger autoimmune myocarditis in M7A�peptide immunized BLBA/c mice (Table and Fig 1F). Immunization of BALB/c mice with a CpG ODN derived from the C. Trachomatis CRP gene plus the M7A�autoantigen induced myocarditis in the absence of FCA (Table and Fig 1F). Immunization in which a control non-CpG ODN was used plus peptide did not induce disease ( Table ). Thus, CpG containing Chlamydia DNA can function as potent immunoactivator for autoimmunity.

Mice immunized with Chlamydia peptide, developed perivascular fibrosis (Fig A & B), fibrinous occlusions of cardiac blood vessels (Fig C & D) and thickening the arterial walls. Endothelium originated ), fibrinous occlusion in blood vessels occurred 60% (sample size )when mice immunized with Chlamydia peptides and 67% when immunized with M7A��. This situation did not observed when they were immunized only with FCA.

Activation of autoaggressive T and B cells were detected following Chlamydia infection. BALB/c mice, infected with C. trochomatis through respiratory track and reproductive organs, developed production of IgG antibodies to heart specific epitopes (Fig 4). Since the production of IgG antibodies to heart specific epitopes depend on the activation of T and B cells, this experiment provided proof for activation of autoaggressive lymphocytes in BALB/c mice caused by infection of C. Trachomatis.


When carefully study these experimental results, it can be seen that Chlamydia peptides mimic the effect of ��mhc derived epitopes in heart muscle and autoaggressive T cells that were activated in respiratory tract and reproductive organs, could caused organ specific inflammation in the heart. Due to these reasons, it can be concluded that the Chlamydia DNA act as a potent adjuvant which facilitate the activation of autoaggressive T cells.

Chlamydia infection is very common in human population but not every person experience myocarditis, caused by the infection. This is due to genetic differences and other risk factors such as smocking, high blood cholesterol which influence to the body¡¦s response to Chlamydia infection.

These experimental results leads to an another conclusion which is all three Chlamydia species, that the researchers mentioned, cause infections leads to antigenic mimicry of autoaggressive myosin epitopes by peptides. Bacterial infection initiate the disease and then inflammation is maintained by epitope spreading.

Chlamydia infection leads to the production of inflammatory cytokines, bystrand activation of lymphocytes or both. This could also link to initiate the cardiovascular disease. All the in vivo and in vitro evidence of antigenic mimicry between Chlamydia peptides and heart specific peptides, provided from these experiments prove that the Chlamydia peptides has the ability cause inflammatory heart disease.


1. Chlamydia ¡§ Infection and Heart Disease Linked Through Antigenic Mimicry.¡¨ Kurt Bachmaier et al. Science 8 18-, 15- (1)

. Immunology,rd ed.17, Janis Kuby

. Chlamydia as Pathogens ¡§New Species and New Issues.¡¨ Rosanna W. Peeling, www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/volno4

Please note that this sample paper on Chlamydia ¡§ Infection and Heart Disease Linked Through Antigenic Mimicry.¡¨ Kurt Bachmaier is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Chlamydia ¡§ Infection and Heart Disease Linked Through Antigenic Mimicry.¡¨ Kurt Bachmaier, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college papers on Chlamydia ¡§ Infection and Heart Disease Linked Through Antigenic Mimicry.¡¨ Kurt Bachmaier will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Self- assesment


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Popular Answers to Some Psychological Questions[1]

by H. K. Nixon


The keenest classroom discussions in psychology center around such questions as telepathy, pre-natal influence, external signs of character, and the like. The beginning student especially, while willing to admit ignorance on many technical questions, comes to psychology with certain concepts of causation in human behavior quite firmly fixed. One of the common duties of the instructor is to help him sort over this initial stock of ideas, discarding some and working others into a more scientific formulation. A survey, therefore, of the prevalence of such common ideas may be of decided value to the psychologist as a starting point for his [] educational program. The results of such a survey are presented in this article.

This field has been investigated in a more general way by several writers. Conklin presents material on superstitious belief and practice among college students. He found that 8% recalled that they had believed superstitions at one time or another, 7% of the men thus reporting and 0% of the women. 40% of the males and 66% of the females admitted present superstitious belief or practice. ... Gould, Peters, and Dresslar have likewise made special studies of this subject. []

The purpose of the present investigation was somewhat more specific than that of those noted above, in that the primary interest was not in such general superstitions connected with black cats, spilled salt, and the like, but in beliefs which have greater scientific sanction. For that purpose, the list of 0 shown in the following questionnaire was selected, and presented in the form shown.


Below are a number of statements. Some of them you may consider true, some of them are false. If you think a statement is substantially true, draw a circle around T; if the statements if false, then a circle around F. Where it seems debatable, mark as seems to you nearest right.

1. T F The number of mans senses is five.

. T F A child comes into this world with an instinctive knowledge of good and evil. This is his conscience and is born in him.

. T F Certain lines in a persons hand foretell his future.

4. T F If you will stare at a persons back you can make him turn around. This is a form of telepathy.

5. T F It really is unlucky to have anything to do with the number thirteen.

6. T F A mans character can be read by noting the size and location of special developments of his head.

7. T F People with greenish eyes are not as trustworthy as people with blue or black eyes.

8. T F An expectant mother by fixing her mind on a subject can influence the character of her unborn child.

. T F Women are inferior to men in intelligence.

10. T F People born under the influence of certain planets show the influence in their characters.

11. T F Intelligence can be increased by training.

1. T F Long, slender hands indicate an artistic nature.

1. T F Beginning an undertaking on Friday is almost certain to bring bad luck.

14. T F If a man but had faith enough he could heal a broken limb instantly.

15. T F Many eminent men have been feeble-minded as children.

16. T F Some animals are as intelligent as the average human.

17. T F No defect of body or mind can hold us back if we have enough will power.

18. T F Adults sometimes become feeble-minded from overstudy.

1. T F All men are created equal in capacity for achievement.

0. T F The marriage of cousins is practically certain to result in children of inferior intelligence.

1. T F Especially intelligent children are likely to be weak and retarded physically.

. T F The study of mathematics is valuable because it gives one a logical mind.

. T F A square jaw is a sign of will power.

4. T F You can estimate an individuals intelligence pretty closely by just looking at his face.

5. T F A high forehead indicates intellectual superiority.

6. T F Fear is unnatural. It is a bad habit.

7. T F Women are by nature purer and better than men.

8. T F A person who does not look you in the eye is likely to be dishonest.

. T F Man is superior because his conduct is very largely guided by reason.

0. T F Any physical or mental disease can be contracted by thinking about it.

It will be observed that the ideas here expressed range from some which are quite apparently pure superstitions to some that would occasion considerable discussion among a group of scientific men. It was the intention to make use of ideas which in the main have had the stamp of disapproval placed upon them by modern investigations. It was, however, found impossible to phrase the statements in such a manner to avoid all chance for quibbling and charges of ambiguity. In general it seems likely that if the list were submitted to a group of psychologists there would be less than 1% of unqualified affirmative answers. The difference between that small percent and the averages for the groups which were secured to take part in this investigation may serve as a rough indicator of the present prevalence of unscientific beliefs among the educated members of our population.

The subjects of this investigation were 140 women and 1 men, students in elementary psychology in Columbia University, Columbia University Extension, and evening classes in New York University. ...

The questionnaire was presented to these students without any comment or discussion other than the reading of the directions. They were allowed to take their own time in making the answers. In a few cases there were questions, in which instances the student was instructed to answer as it seemed to him nearer right. In general the time taken was about 8 min. The questions usually served to arouse much discussion and demands to be told the answers and to be informed as to scores.


A. Number of the 0 Statements marked as True. ...

[Table I is omitted here. The original article includes a complete frequency table for the number of males and the number of females marking 0, 1, , ..., statements true. Some information from the Table has been added, in square brackets, to Nixons next paragraph.]

...males on the average marked between 10 and 11 statements as true, while the women average slightly more than 1. Considering the S.D.s these differences are probably significant. [Sample SDs were . for men, 0.7 for women. The greater variability among men and the sex difference in the means were] probably due to the inclusion of 5 Columbia College men who showed an inclination to mark relatively few of the statements true. ... Considering the groups together, it is to be seen that on the average a little more than one-third of the statements are marked true. Persons marking only [or fewer] as true [14 persons] or persons marking more than 0 [ persons] will be exceptional. We cannot be sure what it means to mark only a few. It may mean greater familiarity with scientific knowledge, and it may merely mean greater caution. On the other hand, a person who marks 0 or more of the statements true is probably relatively ignorant of the point of view of modern psychology. ...[4]

B. Per cent of Ss Believing each Statement.

... It will be seen from this Table [Table II, part of which appears below] that about 80% of the Ss thought that intelligence can be increased by training.... On the other hand, the ideas connected with thirteen and Friday are relatively unpopular... On the basis of Conklins work it is probable that many of the Ss are actually influenced in their actions by these popular superstitions, but most refuse to mark them as true.


Relative Prevalence of the 0 Beliefs

% marking as True

No. Idea involved Males Females

11 Intelligence increased by training 7 80

Math gives logical mind 76 81

1 Number of senses five 76 78

Man superior because of reason [5] 64 58

18 Adults feeble-minded from study 56 57

4 Face shows intelligence 50 6

1 Artistic nature indicated by fingers 4 5

6 Character indicated by head shape 40 51

17 Will power supreme 5

5 High forehead shows intelligence 4

8 Prenatal influence 8 44

7 Women purer by nature 8 5

15 Early feeble-mindedness of great men 6 5

4 Telepathic influence of staring 6 56

6 Fear unnatural. A bad habit 5 47

Square jaw sign of will power 4 50

0 Marriage of cousins gives deficients 4 50

8 Shifty eye shows dishonesty 47

1 Bright children physically retarded

Instinctive knowledge of good 1

0 Physical disease by thinking of it 1 44

16 Some animals superior in intelligence 5 48

1 Men created equal in capacity 0

Women inferior to men in intelligence 16 5.7

10 Character influenced by planets 15 0

14 Broken limb healed by faith 5.7

Lines in hand foretell future 8 5

7 Green-eyed people untrustworthy 4 4

5 Thirteen unlucky 1 0

1 Friday unlucky 1 0.7

There appears a general tendency for the misconceptions most widely held -- those at the top of the table -- to be due to ignorance or with the specific sense in which the psychologist uses the terms involved, as e.g., intelligence. The difficulty is then a simple one of lack of information. In the middle of the list fall ideas which are widely held, which are very popular, and which are often exploited by various agencies, such as the newspapers, but which have been definitely discredited... It is here that class discussions wax the hottest, and it it is on those subjects that the instructor in elementary psychology should fortify himself with as much concrete evidence and as many experimental data as possible. At the lower end of the list appear popular superstitions which are widely known and acted upon, but which are usually quite frankly recognized for what they are.

§ Back to previous page Readings index Working syllabus Send comments


[1] American Journal of Psychology, XXXVI (15), pp. 418-4. Abridged slightly here, with omissions indicated by ellipses [...]. There are no footnotes in the original article.


[] Almost 40% of the psychology students in this study were women. For he, him, his and man, Nixons readers conventionally understood both sexes, unless a specific gender comparison was being made. One of the true-or-false statements in the questionnaire, however, struck me as ambiguous -- see if you have the same difficulty when you get to that part of the article.


[] Journal editors didnt require specific references, or even authors initials, in 15. If you run across the reports by Conklin or by Gould, Peters, & Dresslar, do please email the references to me and I will add them to this reading.

Update Dr. Christopher Green, York University, Toronto has kindly supplied the Conklin and Gould references and one for Peters which may be relevant

Conklin, Edmund S. (11)

Supersitious belief and practice among college students. American Journal of Psychology, 0(1), 8-10.

Gould, R. L. (11)

Supersitions among Scottish College Girls. Pedagogical Seminary, 8, 0-48.

Peters, C. C. (11)

Notes on Methods of Isolating Scientifically the Objectives of Religious Education. Pedagogical Seminary, 8, 6-81.


[4] It seems that in 15 few students guessed that all of the statements were intended to be false, although 5 persons

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¡°Critically evaluate the factors a firm might consider when setting the prices of its products¡±


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on ¡°Critically evaluate the factors a firm might consider when setting the prices of its products¡±. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality ¡°Critically evaluate the factors a firm might consider when setting the prices of its products¡± paper right on time. Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in ¡°Critically evaluate the factors a firm might consider when setting the prices of its products¡±, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your ¡°Critically evaluate the factors a firm might consider when setting the prices of its products¡± paper at affordable prices!

¡°Critically evaluate the factors a firm might consider when setting the prices of its products¡±

According to Marcouse (1) ¡°price is one of the main links between the customer and the producer¡±. The simplest definition of price is the amount charged for a product or service. Setting the right price of a product is very important for a firm because is the only element in the marketing mix that produces revenue. It can also be very difficult to determine the right price of a product because there are several factors that a firm might consider before putting the price. The examination of these factors is vital for a firm because if the price is not ¡®right¡¯ (for the consumers) they may lose customers or lose revenue. Therefore, I will critically evaluate some of the internal and external factors a firm might consider when setting prices.

Source Kotler and others (14) Cheap Custom Essays on ¡°Critically evaluate the factors a firm might consider when setting the prices of its products¡±

The graph above shows the various factors affecting the price decisions of a product. If a firm wants to set the right price for its products it must considerate these factors in order to do so. The pricing decisions are made by evaluating the internal factors (marketing objectives, marketing mix strategy, costs and organisation for pricing) and the external factors (nature of the market and demand, competition and other environmental factors).

The Marketing Objectives are significant when setting prices because different firms may differ in their objectives. There are a lot of objectives a firm may have but the clearer a firm is about its objectives, the easier is to determine the prices of its products. The most common objectives are survival, profit maximisation, market-share leadership and product-quality leadership. If the main objective of a firm is the survival of the company, the price of its product must be low and profit is not as important as the survival of the firm; for example the Sega Dreamcast, being a more powerful console than the Sony Playstation one, was struggling to survive because it was not doing very well in the video-games market. Sega lower the console prices at the same level of the Playstation one but they could not afford their losses so they had to remove its product from the market. Profit Maximisation consists in setting prices high in order to obtain maximum welfare from the products. IBM is a great example to describe this type of marketing objective; they sell their computers at high prices even when competitors offer the same or almost the same characteristics for their computers. The advantage of IBM is that the have loyal customers, but they are gradually losing those customers because there is little difference between their products and the competitors products. Market-share leadership is when a firm sets its prices at the lowest price possible in order to gain market share and hopefully be the leader of its market. For example, SKY TV set the prices of their TV boxes very low in order to take over other competitors (ITV Digital). This strategy is damaging SKY TV¡¯s profits but is damaging even more its competitors. Product-quality leadership consist in creating the best products in the market. Sony is a good example because they have the best walkman technology (innovation) in the market. They were the first developers of the walkman technology and they keep innovating in order to create the best product in the market.

Another factor a firm might consider when setting prices is the Marketing Mix Strategy. The elements of the marketing mix (product, price, promotion and place) are linked. Decisions made for other marketing mix elements may affect pricing decisions. Products can depend on price or non-price factors. If a product depends on price factors, the pricing decisions will be made first and then the other decisions from the marketing mix elements will take place. For example a lot of Japanese firms such as Sharp, Nissan and Toyota apply a technique called target costing where they try to make a product within a cost range, if they achieve the target costing they can then proceed to set the price. If a product depends on non-prices factors, the pricing decisions will depend on the decisions made on the other elements of the marketing mix. For example, Sony provides their customers good products that guarantees a long life, thus the people will not need to spend on this product in the future for malfunctioning.

Cost is a very important factor to evaluate when a firm is setting prices. The price set for a product is expected cover the cost of production, a contribution, distribution, effort put on the product. Therefore having low cost of production is a major advantage against competitors, because a firm is able to set prices below competitor¡¯s prices and yet be profitable. There are two variables firms should consider in order to lower their costs. Firstly, the cost of production at different levels, a firm may reduce costs by determining the quantity at where the costs of production are minimum. For example, if a bakery produces (hypothetical data) less than 400 pieces of bread, the bakery is increasing their cost per unit because they are not using fully their machinery, if it produces 400 pieces of bread we can see how the cost per unit are at the lowest because the fixed costs are spread thought the unit but if the bakery tries to make more than 400 pieces of bread the machinery may break down leading to an increase in the cost per unit.

Source Kotler and others (14)

Secondly, a firm might increase productivity from production experience. After a period of time the workers at a firm may know some tricks or shortcuts to do a faster and better job on the firm, therefore by increasing quality and quantity a firm may reduce its costs. Henry Ford, by deskilling of work and studying the most efficient workers of his factory, could determine how the productivity of his firm might make more products reducing costs of production.

The nature of the market and demand is a very important factor a firm might consider when setting prices, because there are different types of markets that contain different types of demand for the products. There are four types of markets and these are perfect competition, where the suppliers are price takers and the non-price marketing mix elements play little role, such as agricultural goods. Monopolistic competition where the suppliers have some power over the price and the non-profit marketing mix elements can help a firm to gain economies of scale. Oligopoly where the suppliers have a lot of power over the product¡¯s price and a price-cut from one company is likely to lead to a price cut in the competitors¡¯ price. Monopoly where there is only one supplier that have absolute control over the price of the product. A non-regulated monopoly has the power to charge high prices for their products. Demand is also different among products. The demand for most of the goods is a downward sloping curve, but the demand for luxury goods is different. From the graph below we can compare the demand curves for most goods and for luxury goods. If a perfume price is increased from p1 to p the customers will be attracted to it because they think an expensive perfume is better, but if the price is increased from p to p the costumers will think the perfume is overpriced and the sales will fall.

Source Kotler and others (14)

The price elasticity of a product is essential when setting prices for a product. The price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of demand to a change in price. A product can be elastic or inelastic. The demand in elastic products change little in comparison to the inelastic products, therefore it is better for a elastic product to be sold as cheap as possible and for an inelastic product to be sold as high as possible in order to maximise profits.

Source Kotler and others (14)

Finally, competition is another factor a firm might consider when setting the price of a product. Competitors are always trying to find the best way to take over the rivals market using pricing and marketing strategies, hence, the firm might ask other customers to see how their service is or it may check the competitors¡¯ prices. The firm must also look at the quality of the rival product to put a price on its product. For example, The Sony Playstation was launched one year and a half ago and the Microsoft Xbox was launched at the end of 001. The advantages of the Playstation (PS) is that you can play Playstation one¡¯s games and it has a wider variety of than the Xbox, but the Xbox offers a better graphic resolution that sounds very promising. The Xbox was set higher than the PS, but the PS has been more successful than the Xbox through the world, especially in Japan after the Xbox sold consoles that wrecked the DVDs (they have been repaired). If the PS price is higher than the Xbox, the PS would lose the battle because the Xbox is a more powerful console than the PS (better graphic resolution).

In conclusion, all the factors are worth considering before a firm starts to set the prices of its products. The right price will increase profitability as well as other factors like growth and development of the firm. By doing this research a firm might reduce the problem of setting the wrong price. It is hard work to consider all the factors but a good research might give guidance on the price the product should have.

Please note that this sample paper on ¡°Critically evaluate the factors a firm might consider when setting the prices of its products¡± is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on ¡°Critically evaluate the factors a firm might consider when setting the prices of its products¡±, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on ¡°Critically evaluate the factors a firm might consider when setting the prices of its products¡± will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse

For The World To Dictate Our Death

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Video for Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse

Be sure to check out the new Dimmu Borgir video for the song Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse this is an awesome piese of work and every metal fan should check it out, you can see a clip of the video at the nuclear blast website

The video vill also be included in the DVD Audio release of the new album, (Street Date .0.0) this release contains the album in excellent 5.1 surround multichannel sound mix, playable on all DVD players, including Bonustracks Satan My Master (Bathory Cover), ) Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse (orchestral version), ) Eradication Instincts Defined (orchestral version) as well as the very first Dimmu Borgir videoclip for Death Cult Armageddon Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse (Video Edit), Photogallery and all lyrics)

Death Cult Armageddon

Norway's DIMMU BORGIR have managed to become the most prominent and important Melodic Black Metal act around the globe. With their new studio album "Death Cult Armageddon" DIMMU BORGIR reach an even higher level, climbing up the next step close to Baphomet's Throne. "Death Cult Armageddon" was recorded and produced by Frederik Nordström at the Swedish Fredman Studios (In Flames, HammerFall etc.). DIMMU BORGIR always stood for the orchestral side of Black Metal; classical arrangements have ever been a certain aspect in their unique sound. To give the songs an even more authentic feeling, the band recorded parts of the album along with the Philharmonic Orchestra Prague, which consisted of 46 professional musicians. This is feeling of majesty and power that makes the Norwegians special. "Death Cult Armageddon" is their most varied and therefore also most extreme album.

Also check out the new sound samples

Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse

For The World To Dictate Our Death

› Ask questions to Dimmu Borgir 18 Sep 00

› Dimmu Borgir on Norways official Top100 15 Sep 00

› Various clips from the Norwegian press 0 Sep 00

› Norwegian Concert details 1 Aug 00

› The new Dimmu Borgir video is online 0 Aug 00

› Off-topic/Chat thread Posted today

› Opeths new album?! Posted today

› best metal singer (in general) Posted today

› Mayhem Studio Albums Posted today

› The Box and the DVD Version??? Posted today

Our users have posted a total of 144 articles

To support their upcoming new album Dimmu Borgir have sceduled european concert dates for 00. Check the concert page for information on citys and venues.

- Europen tour 00

- US tourdates 00FAQ | Search | Memberlist | Usergroups | Register | Profile | Login to check messages | Login

Video for Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse

Be sure to check out the new Dimmu Borgir video for the song Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse this is an awesome piese of work and every metal fan should check it out, you can see a clip of the video at the nuclear blast website

The video vill also be included in the DVD Audio release of the new album, (Street Date .0.0) this release contains the album in excellent 5.1 surround multichannel sound mix, playable on all DVD players, including Bonustracks Satan My Master (Bathory Cover), ) Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse (orchestral version), ) Eradication Instincts Defined (orchestral version) as well as the very first Dimmu Borgir videoclip for Death Cult Armageddon Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse (Video Edit), Photogallery and all lyrics)

Death Cult Armageddon

Norway's DIMMU BORGIR have managed to become the most prominent and important Melodic Black Metal act around the globe. With their new studio album "Death Cult Armageddon" DIMMU BORGIR reach an even higher level, climbing up the next step close to Baphomet'FAQ | Search | Memberlist | Usergroups | Register | Profile | Login to check messages | Login

Video for Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse

Be sure to check out the new Dimmu Borgir video for the song Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse this is an awesome piese of work and every metal fan should check it out, you can see a clip of the video at the nuclear blast website

The video vill also be included in the DVD Audio release of the new album, (Street Date .0.0) this release contains the album in excellent 5.1 surround multichannel sound mix, playable on all DVD players, including Bonustracks Satan My Master (Bathory Cover), ) Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse (orchestral version), ) Eradication Instincts Defined (orchestral version) as well as the very first Dimmu Borgir videoclip for Death Cult Armageddon Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse (Video Edit), Photogallery and all lyrics)

Death Cult Armageddon

Norway's DIMMU BORGIR have managed to become the most prominent and important Melodic Black Metal act around the globe. With their new studio album "Death Cult Armageddon" DIMMU BORGIR reach an even higher level, climbing up the next step close to Baphomet's Throne. "Death Cult Armageddon" was recorded and produced by Frederik Nordström at the Swedish Fredman Studios (In Flames, HammerFall etc.). DIMMU BORGIR always stood for the orchestral side of Black Metal; classical arrangements have ever been a certain aspect in their unique sound. To give the songs an even more authentic feeling, the band recorded parts of the album along with the Philharmonic Orchestra Prague, which consisted of 46 professional musicians. This is feeling of majesty and power that makes the Norwegians special. "Death Cult Armageddon" is their most varied and therefore also most extreme album.

Also check out the new sound samples

Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse

For The World To Dictate Our Death

› Ask questions to Dimmu Borgir 18 Sep 00

› Dimmu Borgir on Norways official Top100 15 Sep 00

› Various clips from the Norwegian press 0 Sep 00

› Norwegian Concert details 1 Aug 00

› The new Dimmu Borgir video is online 0 Aug 00

› Off-topic/Chat thread Posted today

› Opeths new album?! Posted today

› best metal singer (in general) Posted today

› Mayhem Studio Albums Posted today

› The Box and the DVD Version??? Posted today

Our users have posted a total of 144 articles

To support their upcoming new album Dimmu Borgir have sceduled european concert dates for 00. Check the concert page for information on citys and venues.

- Europen tour 00

- US tourdates 00

- Other tour dates 00

Subscribe to news about Dimmu Borgir by filling in this form. Enter your e-mail address in the form and send




You can now download two Dimmu Borgir screensavers.

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You can now download two Dimmu Borgir background images.

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s Throne. "Death Cult Armageddon" was recorded and produced by Frederik Nordström at the Swedish Fredman Studios (In Flames, HammerFall etc.). DIMMU BORGIR always stood for the orchestral side of Black Metal; classical arrangements have ever been a certain aspect in their unique sound. To give the songs an even more authentic feeling, the band recorded parts of the album along with the Philharmonic Orchestra Prague, which consisted of 46 professional musicians. This is feeling of majesty and power that makes the Norwegians special. "Death Cult Armageddon" is their most varied and therefore also most extreme album.

Also check out the new sound samples

Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse

For The World To Dictate Our Death

› Ask questions to Dimmu Borgir 18 Sep 00

› Dimmu Borgir on Norways official Top100 15 Sep 00

› Various clips from the Norwegian press 0 Sep 00

› Norwegian Concert details 1 Aug 00

› The new Dimmu Borgir video is online 0 Aug 00

› Off-topic/Chat thread Posted today

› Opeths new album?! Posted today

› best metal singer (in general) Posted today

› Mayhem Studio Albums Posted today

› The Box and the DVD Version??? Posted today

Our users have posted a total of 144 articles

To support their upcoming new album Dimmu Borgir have sceduled european concert dates for 00. Check the concert page for information on citys and venues.

- Europen tour 00

- US tourdates 00

- Other tour dates 00

Subscribe to news about Dimmu Borgir by filling in this form. Enter your e-mail address in the form and send




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You can now download two Dimmu Borgir background images.

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- Other tour dates 00

Subscribe to news about Dimmu Borgir by filling in this form. Enter your e-mail address in the form and send




You can now download two Dimmu Borgir screensavers.

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You can now download two Dimmu Borgir background images.

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Phone logos

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