Farley Mowat, Lost in the Barrens


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Farley Mowat, Lost in the Barrens. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Farley Mowat, Lost in the Barrens paper right on time. Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Farley Mowat, Lost in the Barrens, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Farley Mowat, Lost in the Barrens paper at affordable prices!

Joshua Boyle, 0114064

Lost in the Barrens

Farley Mowats Lost in the Barrens is a prime example of a piece of childrens literature that helps to advance the plot, and more importantly, convey a dual sense of both an antagonist against the boys struggle, and a benefactor, through portraying the local environment as a sentient force in the book. The land is seen not as an environment in which the boys are placed, so much as an enigmatic character in the story, whose allegiance and intentions are difficult to surmise. The boys originally contest the land and try to overcome it, but gradually become aware of the need to co-exist and respect the land, to eventually return home.

Primarily seen as an antagonist to the boys attempts to survive and return home, the land is harshly termed, evoking images of a domineering, relentless enemy. "The loneliness and immensity of the new wilderness seemed to close down upon them (Mowat, 8), the boys are overwhelmed by this awesome new force which till now has never had such a direct impact on their lives, even without doing anything, merely its presence over the boys, is enough to induce a sense of unfriendliness. The barrenlands encompass long stretches of seemingly endless abysses, a vivid backdrop to set two inexperienced boys against, to demonstrate the lesson of the text. Later, while following Denikazi along an unknown river, the land again purports its savagery in the description of the waters the boys are to navigate. The great river had an awesome majesty. The water was dark and heavy and the thrust of the current seemed to pass right through the canoe into the boys' bodies, so that they felt they were riding upon a prehistoric monster (Mowat, 45). These raging rapids are described in expressions that dominate the boys, instilling a fear about it. Clearly then Mowat is very selectively choosing language that helps to enhance the view of the land as an enemy that the boys are to overcome, at this part of the story. Being a story aimed at a younger audience, this method of subtly introducing manipulative language works better than in works aimed at mature discerning readers used to reading between the lines of everything they read, in subconsciously implanting these notions of natures relation to the boys.

As the boys continue in the story, they find themselves at times fighting against the land in an attempt to survive, and at times letting themselves fall in tune with it, similarly following the parallel thread of the perceived threat of the Eskimos. They quickly discover the pattern, as Jamie says, that whenever they have fought against the terrain and nature, they have met disaster, but the times that they have interacted beneficially with the land, they have met unexpected success. Clearly the land, through hard lessons, forces compliance, not rebellion This isnt just a revelation to the characters of a way to complete their expedition, but a valuable lesson that Farley Mowat is renowned for including in many of his works; a deeper understanding of, and mutually beneficial relationship with, nature.

Natures dualism in the novel is manifested in the role of Otanak, the infant caribou. The boys first encounter him after the killing of the caribou herd, and he becomes the solace that the land offers up to them in the loneliness of the barrens, another one left behind as his name means. A microcosm of the lands character, he begins to consume the insulation between the boys and the frigid winter outside of their shelter, and when they try to hinder him, he only continues his destructiveness towards them. However, once they appease and liaise with him, offering him Awasins mattress instead, he is content.

Near the end of the book, another microcosm for the boys increased understanding of the need to cohabit with nature is their interaction with the Eskimos. Originally afraid of the seemingly terrifying tribe, much as they were of the gaping landscape and overpowering natural forces, they initially met it with hostility, hoping to triumph over them. But like with their environment, the boys find themselves reconciling to the Eskimo, and finding a relation to him, much as they find their relation to nature. The ability of the boys to put their faith into the hands of a people that they feared took a great amount of personal strength and courage, and clearly showed the boys had gone through a major transition by this point of the book.

By the time the boys are reunited with their family, they have become men not due to their overcoming of nature, but due to their learning that the land is not an enemy to be fought, but an ally when one falls in line with it. Farley Mowat has used language fraught with mental imagery to depict the land as both frightening and malevolent, and as peaceful aide. Through the evolution of this understanding of the land, he brings the reader into a fuller understanding of the relationship between Man and the land, and leaves the impressionable young child with a value he hopes they will carry through life.

Works Cited

Mowat, Farley. 156. Lost in the Barrens. New York, New York. Bantam Books.

Please note that this sample paper on Farley Mowat, Lost in the Barrens is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Farley Mowat, Lost in the Barrens, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Farley Mowat, Lost in the Barrens will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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The job market is slow, people are steady getting laid off, management is getting reconstructed, and the unemployment rate is still up. Just here in Columbus, Charbroil has decided to layoff also just so it could keep it doors open and stay competitive. There are managers who are without jobs or having to take a big pay cut when it comes to finding a new one. All of this really makes you wonder about the future of our economy. Nevertheless, things are not all bad. So why do I want to seek a MBA after all this negative job market depressing information? Well, the truth is that I have very good reasons to get my MBA in spite of it all.

One reason I want my MBA is because I want to advance in my career in computers maybe become a manager or consultant. With all of the laying off the so many companies have been doing, that caused for more competition. Some of the jobs that used require B.S. now require MBA. It will give me that edge I need to at least compete with those with much more experience but no degree. It will at least give me a chance to do something more or allow me to have a choice in my career path. I have worked in the Information technology field for 6 years. I have always worked on the technical side. I want to broaden my horizon and advance to more of a management level. A master's degree will show that I at least have the desire to want to know the business aspect of the company as well as the technical. I want to have flexibility also. If I do not find a job in the specified time I give myself, then I will have a choice to start my own business, maybe in consulting. Just for a little more motivation I did numerous job searches on the Internet, I found that more companies are actually hiring those with master degrees and some straight out of college. So I think there is hope for the economy. But getting my MBA will help me to compete and stay ahead.

Another reason I want my master's degree is because of personal enhancement. It was my mother who convinced me to go to undergraduate school. She had always wanted to better herself and regretted not going to college when she was younger. Working is the factory all her life wasn't the life she wanted but it put food on the table. It wasn't until I went to Georgia Southern University that I realized how important it was to get my bachelor's degree. Other young people who wanted a better future also surrounded me and it made a difference in my life coming from a poor family. I also knew right away I wanted to major in computers. But I ended up dropping out of undergraduate school when my mother became ill. After a while she convinced me to go back to school and get my degree in computers. So I did go back and it was tough with no car and no computer but I did it with a lot of walking and late hours in the school computer lab. Graduation day was the happiest day of my life. I never felt so proud. I was getting my degree, something that no one will ever take from me no matter what. It was a goal I have achieved. But better yet, it made my family proud to have the only one in our entire family to graduate from college. Now, I thought for sure someone would give me a job after all that hard work. Yet, to my surprise, I could not find a job in my field. I worked odd jobs for a while until I started going through some temp agencies like Kelly Services. After all, I was living in a very small town. Then I received my first computer job as a computer operator at a local hospital. The pay was terrible but I had benefits. Then I got married and changed jobs again. Someone from Cincinnati Ohio hired me to be technical support for his or her computers. They knew I didn't have much experience but gave me a chance anyway. I have been in the technology field every since. As for my mother, the company she was working for closed down and put a lot of people out on the street, especially those with little or no education. My mother decided to back to school while searching for a job. She finished with a B average; however, she never got to walk the graduation line. See, my mother past away with Lupus at the age of 50. And all of this has motivated me to do more for myself and now that I have two children of my own, I have to make a better future for them. My parents didn't have anything to leave my brothers and I. It was not that my parents didn't want to, but because they already had to scrape for what we had. I have set a goal for myself, which is to make sure that I am able to have something in this life for my family and myself. I want to have a college fund for my children and be able to put something in the fund. I want to be able to actually own a house one day so that it could be passed down to them when they get older. Or maybe I can make enough money to actually be able to retire and not just live off social security. I have a lot I want to do and it all evolve around money and jobs I want to always be able to provide for my children and I want to be an example for them also as they get older. My mother was right years ago when she said education was the key.

Nevertheless, I am school seeking to further my education because I know that getting my MBA will help me. It will help give me the leading edge to get a better job, maybe with better pay and responsibility. In return it will also, help me support my family and be an influence to my children. Of course, I am not expecting a miracle from a MBA degree. However, it will give me a chance to make myself available to the vast opportunities out there.

Please note that this sample paper on WHY A MBA? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on WHY A MBA?, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on WHY A MBA? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on POSITIVE TRENDS IN ECONOMY OF PAKISTAN. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality POSITIVE TRENDS IN ECONOMY OF PAKISTAN paper right on time. Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in POSITIVE TRENDS IN ECONOMY OF PAKISTAN, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your POSITIVE TRENDS IN ECONOMY OF PAKISTAN paper at affordable prices!

Since independence the growth record of Pakistans economy has been quite respectable and compares favorably with other countries in South Asia.

Pakistans economy displayed broad-based positive trends during the outgoing fiscal 00-.

There are three challenges ahead. First, to raising the level of investments - both public and private to sustain growth rate. Second, to reduce poverty and improving social indicators by reducing the social gap. Third, to improving the health of the public sector entities, particularly power utilities, which posed serious risk to the budget.

Pakistans per capita income is the highest in South Asia except for Sri Lanka.


The country has moved out of the first stage of industrialization focused on consumer goods to more sophisticated basic and heavy engineering goods. In agriculture, the growth has kept ahead of the population, an achievement that has eluded many developing countries.

The real GNP at factor cost grew by 8.4 per cent in 00- against 5. per cent last year, mainly on account of 47 per cent increase in net factors income from abroad.

The agriculture sector registered a 4. per cent growth against a target of .5 per cent, with major crops growing at 5.8 per cent.

The large-scale manufacturing grew by 8.7 per cent against a target of 6 per cent and last years growth of 4. per cent.

Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) rising from 1,770 points in June 00 to an all time high of ,117 points on May 00, registering an increase of 76 per cent.

The total consolidated revenue is estimated at Rs706.1 billion in 00- as against Rs64.1 last year, registering an increase of 1.1 per cent. Against this, total consolidated expenditure is estimated at Rs8.5 billion which is 8 per cent higher than last year.

The exchange rate appreciation to the extent of 4 per cent has also reduced debt payable in foreign exchange by more than 5 billion. It stood at 1. trillion or 47. per cent of the GDP.

The increase in imports was attributed to additional imports spending on machinery by 5.6 per cent.

The trade deficit posted an improvement of 14 per cent, or $18.8 million.

Public debt had reduced from Rs.65 trillion in June 00 to Rs.64 trillion, showing a reduction of around Rs5 billion.

The revenue collection has already achieved a growth rate of 15 per cent, a first in many years.

To achieve this target, the country needs a higher level of investment both domestic and foreign. That would make it possible to derive the maximum benefit out of the new favorable turn in the countrys economic fortunes.

The menacing growth of corruption and poor human resources development have blemished Pakistans economic record. The growth record of Pakistans economy since independence has been quite respectable and compares favorably with other countries in South Asia. The flow of goods and services from economic activities within the country which is measured by gross domestic product (GDP) has expanded at a rate of around five per cent, which is a commendable achievement. Consequently, in terms of 15-60 prices, per capita income rose from Rs 16 at the time of independence to Rs 1,064 in 18-. In dollar terms the increase over the 5-year-period has been from $116 to $48. Pakistans per capita income is the highest in South Asia except for Sri Lanka.

It cannot be denied that Pakistan, which at the time of independence was regarded as an economic wasteland has, through concerted efforts, institutionalized growth. The country has also moved out of the first stage of industrialization focused on consumer goods to more sophisticated basic and heavy engineering goods. In agriculture, the growth has kept ahead of the population, an achievement which has eluded many developing countries.

The educational network has shown substantial expansion. Enrolment at the primary school level increased from 0.77 million in 148 to 17. million 18-. There are at present 6 universities, 65 professional colleges, 75 arts and science colleges and 48 secondary vocational institutes in the country. While even most of the urban areas at the time of independence had no electricity, most of the villages in Pakistan are equipped with electricity today. Fifty-two years ago, the total number of telephones in Pakistan was no more than 10,000 while at present their number is ,861,000 (.8 m).

Savings and investment rates in Pakistan are unusually low, even relative to many other low-income countries At these low rates of savings and investment, it would not be possible for Pakistan to support future economic growth of seven per cent a year, which is socially necessary, in view of Pakistans neglected infrastructure system and low levels of investment in social sectors. Efforts to maintain a high rate of growth without mobilizing more national savings would result in a rapid accumulation of non-concessional external debt with serious consequences for the balance of payments position of the country in the not too distant future. The main imbalance between savings and investment in Pakistan arises in the public sector. The overall budget deficit - the gap between the consolidated public revenues and expenditures - is currently one of the most serious macro-problems facing Pakistans economy

The country is currently engaged in finalizing the ninth five-year plan (18-00). In terms of the approach document to this plan, the economy should move forward on a rapid and steady path so that it can get a GDP growth of seven per cent annually rather than the 5.7 per annually during 188-6 and around .8 per cent per annum during 16-. The ninth plan was being prepared at a time when the economy was under severe pressure on account of large macro-economic imbalances, unfavorable international economic environment, massive burden of internal and external debt and institutional erosion.

Please note that this sample paper on POSITIVE TRENDS IN ECONOMY OF PAKISTAN is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on POSITIVE TRENDS IN ECONOMY OF PAKISTAN, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on POSITIVE TRENDS IN ECONOMY OF PAKISTAN will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Days gone by

L'Venice "L-Dawg" Jackson had grown up a child of hip-hop, barely now 1 years old, he had been rapping as long as he could remember. In Elementary and Middle School, his friends had called him Freestyle because that's what LD would do. At recess, after lunch, after school… whenever, wherever, whatever, give him a beat and he was bound to give you tight lines. When he was 14 he started at Madison Park High School. Madison Park was an all black school in nearby Roxbury, MA. That's where LD met Gulleas (pronounced Julius). All of the kids there knew Gulleas as "G" and so that's what L'Venice came to know him as. "G" was a charismatic guy and he and LD quickly became friends.

It turned out that Gulleas always wanted to make beats and LD always thought of himself as a prominent, up-and-coming rapper; so it seemed that the two new friends had formed a match made in heaven. And indeed the two were inseparable. They spent all their time together, whether in school or in G's basement studio, LD and Gulleas were together talking and thinking about their futures together. Mostly LD wanted to rap for the love of the game and G was the one who was really serious about the money. "G" tinkered around with spinning the wheels of steel, but was most successful when he and LD worked together on sick beats laced with even more ill rhymes. But the small amount of success that came from being well-known, well-liked high school rappers also brought small profits to the table.

Gulleas loved to make music and LD worked with him as far as making rhymes went, but his love was always the idea of making money. Vontr�, G's older brother, had gotten him hooked to the fast life and the quick money as a youngster. Trwas a hustler. He had taught his younger brother many things about the game and about how to go about making money, but he did not teach him about the ducking of gun fights and the times he had to hide in ditches and bushes to evade the police. Trended up in jail when Gulleas was only 11 years old�maybe a good thing because most in the community believed that he would have been killed otherwise�but his impression was strong on the personality and the life of the young G.


Gulleas Anton Mitchell had been hustling since he was 14 years old. He always told himself that he was in control of the game and not the other way around. He started out hanging on the outskirts of Boston Common on Beacon and Park doing mostly nickel and dimeing. By the time he turned 16 he had started make trips to D.C. and N.Y. to roll with the older niggas who were bringing in raw. He didn't understand why people called Baltimore "B-More careful" until he saw a guy shot in the face in broad daylight in the middle of a crowded street. Dude who shot him was so gangsta, he took off hat and spit on the bitch, hollerin', "E.C.P. for life muthafucka!" This shook the 16 year old, but he assured himself that he would never be that stupid as to roll in the street with beef and no heat.

Things were good for LD and G with the rhymes. They had begun to call themselves Freestyle. With more street knowledge than LD, G was schooling LD to the game while LD was showing G the finer side of ways to keep a crowd interested and how to link verses together. LD was so fresh with the raps that some people said he could walk into a studio with a pen, one piece of paper, and some background music and make a platinum album. The dynamic duo had preformed at school, in parks, at clubs and everywhere else from Medford to Newton and all throughout Boston Metro. But all the traveling was putting a wear and tear on the young G who was still making trips to pick up white on the weekends that they didn't perform. He was also out late, even after they left the studio at midnight some nights to make that 10 minute drive from Malcolm X Street to his more familiar clientele over in Boston Common. LD did not condone what G did outside the studio but had always told G that it was against his better judgment to go so far from your own neighborhood to make street money. But G was a grown man and no one could tell him how to make his money.

A lot of these ideas came from a girl G had met on one of his trips to Baltimore named Netta. Netta was the daughter of a street hustler and was a hustler in her own right mostly dating big chip players with mounds of cash and flashy whips. She wasn't usually involved with outsiders, but his smooth Boston accent got over on her. Plus, he seemed like a young up and comer in the game, so she wanted to get him hooked before he realized that he didn't need a woman to help him run things in the streets. The two were very much so sexually attracted and the sex was so good that it fooled G into thinking that this woman was in love with him. "No girl would do all that freaky stuff if she ain't love a nigga," he frequently told himself, "I gotta be the shit."

The first sign LD had that trouble was near was the New Years Day concert at the Wheelock College Auditorium on The Riverway in '01. There was something strange going on with G and LD knew what it was…

"Hey G man, are you alright? You look fucked up."

"Hey LD yo, I'm aw'ight yo. Just be cool yo. We gone flip these fools in here tonight yo!"

"Dawg, what's up wit' all that 'yo' shit, man? I told you, you spennin' way too much time in B-More with that chic man."

"Nah yo, I'm just doin' what I gotta do to eat yo'. Plain as dat yo. I cain't be waiting all day fa dis rap shit yo. I'm trying to pay bills my nigga. Just like you yo."

"Yeah, whatever G. I guess that why you roun'here looking like you never heard of Visine. Man you need to leave that bitch alone, that shit ain't good for you."

"Whatever yo. Let's just get out here and make this money yo."

"Fa real baby G, let's do this shit nigga."

Please note that this sample paper on JDnG is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on JDnG, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on JDnG will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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A coming-of-age story


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on A coming-of-age story. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality A coming-of-age story paper right on time. Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in A coming-of-age story, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your A coming-of-age story paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

In literature, there are many themes that we find over and over in many cultures and from many periods in time. One of these reoccurring themes is the "coming-of-age", when a young person goes through the transition from childhood to adulthood and has a significant life experience. It is clear that these coming of age stories are crucial component of our self-conceptions and representations.

We all know lots of coming-of-age stories. Weve read them in books, seen them at the movies and on TV, and in plays and operas. Usually, these stories are of the heartwarming variety. A young person confronts the frightening prospect of growing older, leaving youth for adulthood, and dealing with a world far more complicated than he or she had thought it was. Sure theres pain to be encountered along the way, but in most of these stories the person eventually sees maturity as a reward - and painful growth as a passage into a new world filled with prospects and promise.

But what if the new, grown up world seems bleaker than the old one? I think, when entering adulthood, instead of grieving over the loss of youth, we should revel in newfound possibilities. The coming-of-age story then is not a tragedy, but a heartwarming tale of growth and fulfillment.

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One reason for the popularity of this theme is simply that it is a universal experience. Everyone, no matter when or where they were born, has to grow up at some point, and being able to read about someone elses experience can provide young readers with something that they can relate to, and it provides older readers with memories of the past.

The teen years are, of course, when the coming-of-age process is most obvious, when young people are perched precariously on the brink between childhood and adult responsibilities. It is then that most young adults are making decisions, which will have tremendous influence on the shape of their lives to come. This reminds me of the story called "Dawn" where the main character, Barnsey, experienced his coming-of-age.

As he boarded a bus to travel to his grandmother's, 1 year-old Barnsey's worst fears were realized. He had to sit next to someone "weird", an adventurous girl with nose rings and a Mohawk. She was about twenty and dressed all in black. Barnsey's first reaction to Dawn was negative. He had a prejudice against her because of her outward appearance. Later, he had to realize that he "shouldn't judge a book by its cover".

They were listening music, but Dawn liked gentle, contemplative music, while Barsney enjoyed hard rock. But both were willing to listen to the other's tape and allowed themselves to enjoy the new experience. Despite their different taste in music, she and Barnsey became "mates".

Barnsey was attracted to Dawn's personality. She had a British accent and used lots of slang, and she was traveling all around the world. Her whole character symbolized independence and freedom. In addition, her spontaneity was the opposite of Barnsey's parents' careful planning.

Dawn called Barnsey "mate", which means that she considered him a friend somehow. By the end of the trip, Barnsey understood that friendship is one of the most precious things in life. He learned from Dawn that looking through the eyes of a friend could open up a whole new world.

At Christmas, Barnsey had to face up to the fact that his parents would divorce. First, it was quite unconceivable to him, then later everything was suddenly clear to him. He could hear in his head all the signs and hints stretching back through the months how far, he wasn't sure. Anger piled up in his heart, because nobody had told him anything.

In his despair, he left the house. He wanted to go to Vancouver and find Dawn because he was tired of the "rubbish" surrounding his parents' divorce. He also wanted to find her because she was the embodiment of freedom, spontaneity, and self-assurance. At the bus terminal, he found an unfamiliar tape with a piece of note in his backpack. It was from Dawn. The memory of Dawn and her gift of tape helped Barnsey cope with his parents' divorce. She gave him hope for a new beginning.

Although Barnsey spent only a brief time with Dawn, she became a powerful influence in his life. The writer reinforced this influence by using the symbolism of her name. The word "Dawn" can be associated with sun rising, new beginnings, and renewal. Her friendliness and spontaneity evoke fresh beginnings.

Generally, all of living is a process of coming-of-age, of reconciling the essence of the inner self with one's outer being. Without any doubt, Barnsey is also a coming-of-age story. He acquiesced in the unchangeable fact that his life wouldn't be the same anymore. He moved from adolescence to adulthood with the capability of managing his parents' divorce.

My coming-of-age story is different than Barnsey's. Fortunately, I didn't have to deal with a broken up family, but I also have to learn quite early to be on my own. My parents sent me to an excellent high school, which meant that I had to live in a dorm. I was only 14 years old. I remember, how timid and deeply touched I was standing in front of the building. I didn't exactly know what would happen to me, and my life in "my new home". I had plenty of freedom, but I also had to learn how to use it. During these years I became an adult, who could solve most of her problems on her own. My life then had many pitfalls, but finally I became independent.

In our own lives, we are constantly trying to find our place in the world and discover what our purpose here is. We have our dreams and our desires, and we want to fit those into the world. But how does our view of ourselves, and our place in the world change as we grow and gain life experience? Coming-of-age stories give us the opportunity to discover those answers through the experiences of the characters. Barnsey, the young character of "Dawn" is one example, who matured to understand something about the world he lives in, and his role in it.

Please note that this sample paper on A coming-of-age story is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on A coming-of-age story, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on A coming-of-age story will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

A Worn Path


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on A Worn Path. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality A Worn Path paper right on time. Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in A Worn Path, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your A Worn Path paper at affordable prices!

In "A Worn Path", Eudora Welty portrays a woman on a journey using words and phrases which contain a psychological connection to the story line. The plot alone is that which is not too intense and complex, however the way Welty uses metaphors, irony, stereotyping and implication of words to fit the story is outstanding. Using these ways of spicing up the content, Welty's writing attracts the reader's interest throughout; even at moments which would normally not. Welty's style of writing "A Worn Path" is that which makes the reader really think about her choice of words, for they are twisted with to portray a mental picture.

Welty sets the tone and feeling of the story using words which create a certain feeling of the situation or setting. The words black and dark are used very often throughout Welty's writing, letting the reader know that the story is a dark one and full of mystery; never knowing what's around the corner. Phoenix Jackson, the main character, is a black woman, described as being dark in tone and wearing a dark, striped dress. The woods Phoenix walks through are dark with dark shadows overcastting. After Phoenix crawled through the barbed-wire fence, she noticed big dead trees, like black men, which were "standing in the purple stalks of the withered cotton field"(). Welty could have been portraying the sense of black men in slavery times, which were not so long before this story was written. Soon afterwards, Jackson goes through a corn field, noticing something "tall, black, and skinny, moving before her"(). Phoenix instinctively thought it was a man, scaring her. Welty then describes the "person's" movement "as silent as a ghost,"() therefore keeping the dark, eerie tone in this setting. The dog that Phoenix meets up with shortly after is also a black dog, however the owner is a young white man. After leaving the hunter, she continued on her way. "She walked on. The shadows hung like oak trees to the road like curtains"(4) The smell of smoke permeates through the air, now giving a sense of smell to the overall feeling of the situation she's at then. Even when she finally got to town, "Dozens of little black children whirled around her"(4).

Not only does Welty use word choice to set tone and feeling in her story, but she also describes Phoenix Jackson's way of thinking, not necessarily in description, but in word choice as well. The overall view of Jackson's mind and acts are that she's not completely "with it" in her mental state. At points she'll be scared at little things, but when something serious comes around, she is completely calm. Phoenix is very shifty. For example, when Phoenix walked up to the scarecrow, she was very frightened and alarmed. Welty does not just go right out and say this, but it is implied within her word choice. After finding out that it was only a scarecrow, not a man, her face lighted; as to imply that before knowing, she was frightened. After this, she continues talking to the lifeless scarecrow as if it were as real man. She even says, "My senses is gone. I too old"(). Later, Jackson comes up to a well, which she drank of. "Nobody knows

who made this well, for it was here when I was born"(). This shows that Jackson only thinks according to her being. How does she know that nobody knows who made the well? She didn't, therefore to her, nobody knows. Then, before confronting the black dog, Welty says she was meditating. Obviously, Jackson needs some peace of mind after all the stress she has gone through so far in her journey. After the black dog came up to her, Jackson went into a ditch. "Down there, her senses drifted away"(). This phrase goes to show that Phoenix Jackson's mental state is unwary. She then was visited by a dream, and reached her hand up. Her sense of reality to dream state is not too keen, confusing the two with where and what she was doing. Later, the dog's owner, the hunter, has a gun pointed directly at Phoenix. She was not frightened in the least bit. "'Doesn't the gun scare you?' he said, still pointing [the gun]. 'No, sir…'"(). Jackson was scared of the scarecrow before, but not scared of a gun pointed at her at point blank range. Phoenix Jackson's feelings and thoughts are different at every situation throughout the story. Her reactions are impossible to guess. Towards the end of the story, Jackson is in the doctor's office to pick up the medicine for her grandson. The nurse was attempting to speak to Phoenix, however Phoenix was not responding. For a moment, Phoenix was just not there (in reality). The story does not describe what in particular she was thinking of, but it definitely was not anything of the situation she was in at the time. Finally, she came to and realized she had forgotten completely why she had even made the trip to begin with. Then, with no further questions asked of her journey and situation, she begins replying to the questions asked her while she was "daydreaming".

The ending of "A Worn Path" alone speaks novels of the psychological aspect of Eudora Welty's story. Phoenix Jackson picks up her medicine from the doctor's office, and goes on her way on the same journey back home. The end. What happens afterward, the reader is not told. The journey back is the same as the one to town. Welty notes that the journey is a familiar one; she does it often. If it was so familiar, however, would she not be scared of certain things such as the scarecrow or have such troubles? Aspects such as this cause the reader to think about what really is going on in Phoenix Jackson's mind and journey. What happens from this point on is for the reader to decide. There is no set events thereafter.

"A Worn Path" is a prime example of a story with many psychological points of view. Much of the story is what the reader makes of it, being led by word choice and events by Eudora Welty. This "darkness of truth" keeps the reader interested, guessing and looking forward to the next incident which will shift the reader's point of view of the journey.

Please note that this sample paper on A Worn Path is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on A Worn Path, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on A Worn Path will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Locke and utilitarianism


If you order your cheap term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Locke and utilitarianism. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Locke and utilitarianism paper right on time. Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Locke and utilitarianism, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Locke and utilitarianism paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service! Utilitarianism is the ethical doctrine which essentially states that that which is good is that which brings about the most happiness to the most people. It is commonly understood as being the hypothesis that assesses and promotes moral actions on the basis of their outcome using the maxim, 'the greatest happiness for the greatest number." (Sterba, 1) In simpler terms when faced with a moral choice, the right thing to do- according to Utilitarianism - is that which results in the 'greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.' Originally developed as an ethical principle under Jeremy Bentham its original form met many challenges by its opponents. Attacked in every direction for anything from its lack of Christian principles to the selfishness that the pursuit of pleasure seems to promote it soon became clear that Bentham's form of Utilitarianism needed some serious touchups and ultimately it was John Stuart Mill who was up to the task. Nearly a generation after Bentham's theory was established , John Stuart Mill decided to defend the principle of Utility against its critics by refining its ideas and making them more practical to society. In particular, John Stuart Mill's powerful essay Utilitarianism endeavors to raise the Utilitarian ideal to a higher plane than that of the undisguised selfishness upon which Bentham rested it by, defending with fervor the utilitarian creed of the Greatest Happiness Principle holding that "actions are right as they tend to promote happiness and wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness." (Sterba, 1)

One criticism, often posed against the hedonistic value theory held by Bentham, holds that the value of life is more than a balance of pleasure over pain and that it is base and demeaning to reduce the meaning of life to pleasure. Mill's Utilitarianism clears this up by establishing that because we are endowed with the ability for conscious thought human pleasures are much superior to animalistic ones they are not merely satisfied with physical pleasures, humans strive to achieve pleasures of the mind as well. Once people are made aware of their higher faculties they will never be happy to leave them uncultivated; thus happiness is a sign that we are exercising our higher faculties.

Mill prescribes how to differentiate between higher and lower quality pleasures by saying that a pleasure is of higher quality if people would choose it over a different pleasure even if it is accompanied by discomfort, and if they would not trade it for a greater amount of pleasure. (Sterba, 1) Moreover, Mill contends that once man has ascended to this high intellectual level, he desires to stay there, never descending to the lower level of existence from which he began

"It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied." (Sterba, 1).

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Even though a person who uses higher faculties often suffers more in life (hence the common aphorism "ignorance is bliss"), he would never choose a lower existence, preferring instead to maintain his dignity. When making a moral judgment on an action, Utilitarianism thus takes into account not just the quantity, but also the quality of the pleasures resulting from it.

Another criticism that Mill cleverly responds to is the objection that happiness could not be the rational aim of human life both because it is both unattainable and possible to live without. Mill replies that it is an exaggeration to state that people cannot be happy. Although Mill acknowledges that while this may be true in theory - that men do not conduct their lives in total pursuit of happiness - they still need a gauge with which to measure morality. Happiness may not necessarily mean continuous rapture, for such intense experiences are momentary at best. Nevertheless, happiness to some may merely translate to being the avoidance of pain. In Utilitarianism, Mill noted, "Utility includes not solely the pursuit of happiness, but the prevention or mitigation of unhappiness" (Mill 11).

The pursuit of pleasure has also been condemned by critics as being little more than the promotion of one's own interests, with no regard to the happiness of others. Mill disputes this as being narrow-minded, clarifying that the pleasure principle which forms the foundation for Utilitarianism, "what is right in conduct, is not the agent's own happiness, but that of all concerned." (Sterba, 18).

With this acknowledgement however, comes the criticism that people cannot possibly be motivated by something as satisfying the collective good of society. Mill responds to this by claiming that Utilitarianism has or can impose all the sanctions that other moral systems can. Mill notes that there exist both external and internal sanctions external sanctions existing externally to the human agent as an individual; i.e. peer pressure, the fear of disapproval, and the punishment of getting caught, internal sanctions stemming from one's consceince the feelings in one's own mind that create discomfort when one violates duty. Ultimately internal sanctions are more powerful that any external sanction. Because we all have social feelings on behalf of others, the unselfish wish for the good of all is often enough to move us to act morally. Even if others do not blame or punish me for doing wrong, I am likely to blame myself, and that bad feeling, according to Mill, is one of the consequent pains that I reasonably consider when deciding what to do.

John Stuart Mill therefore, not only argued in favor of the basic principles of Jeremy Bentham but also offered several significant improvements to the structure, meaning, and application of Utilitarianism as it originally was known. Utlimately Mill's version of Utilitarianism states that "pleasure, and freedom from pain, are the only things desirable as ends" justifying such claims and refuting objections to the theory through the axiom of reason.

Please note that this sample paper on Locke and utilitarianism is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Locke and utilitarianism, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college papers on Locke and utilitarianism will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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A Midsummer Night's Deam


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on A Midsummer Night's Deam. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality A Midsummer Night's Deam paper right on time. Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in A Midsummer Night's Deam, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your A Midsummer Night's Deam paper at affordable prices!

William Shakespeare is one of the greatest writers in literature. He dies in the seventeenth century after completing many sonnets and plays. One of which is A Midsummer Night's Dream. This work is certainly Shakespeare's most lyrical and romantic comedy, full of reflections on fantasy, dreaming, and desire, set mostly amid festive palaces and moonlit woods filled with fairies"(Shakespeare 168). The themes of the play are reality and dreams, love and magic. This play is a comedy about five couples that suffer through love's strange games and the fairy behind the devious tricks within the play. A Midsummer Night's Dream is a comedy combining elements of love, fairies, magic, super nature, and dreams.

The ending of this play is that a triple wedding is planned and everyone is happy. Throughout there are many mentions to the gender and sex roles. The dominating male power and strange sex roles of the characters are fluent throughout the play. The order of the fairy, human and natural worlds is a movement toward satisfying mens psychological needs; but it also disrupts womens bonds with each other. The argument between Titania and Oberon arises from Titanias focus of attention to a stolen Indian boy. Oberon needs her too, so he wins the boy for him to make her feel inferior. In other words, Titania gave up something that she loved to make her husband happy. This is seen in everyday life; women give up their wants to make their men happy. When men do not make women happy, they turn to their friends for what they need, whatever it may be. Male domination not only exists between husband and wife, but also between father and daughter. Theseus will not allow Hermia to marry Lysander. Hermia is blamed by Egeus for being in love with the man she chooses. This implies that men cause women to feel forced and obligated to do as they say. Hermia and Helena were once intimate friends, but Helena is suspicious of Hermias involvement in the mens Joke by saying I pray you, though you mock me, gentlemen/ let her not hurt me. I was never curst/I have no gift at all in shrewishness/ I am a right maid for my cowardice/ let her not strike me. You perhaps may think,/ Because she is something lower than myself, that I can match her (III.II.-04). Bonds between women are just as important as mens bonds with each other, but jealousy leads to the end of womens happiness. When Demetrius and Lysander fall in love with Helena, she feels like she is a joke in this world. This brings female insecurity and pain, again cause by previous abuse from men. The tender nature of women enables Hermia and Helena to bear their lovers abuse. The compromise between Titania and Oberon brings blessing to the human world. This implies that the happiness of the world depends on the amount of love between couples. The problems caused suggest the heterosexual bonding is the best. Just like women have insecurities, men feel that if women joined together there will be no need for men, possibly excluding them or preferring the friendship and love between women to a relationship.

By nature of fairies humanity, Oberons power causes weakness in the human world. This fairy kingdom is basically a dream, which appears whenever reason goes to sleep. Illusions and dreams can be dangerous if they block out humans consciousness. A Midsummer Nights Dream is a play concerned with dreaming. Shakespeare reverses the types of reality and illusion, and sleeping and waking, abstract and nature, to touch around the central theme of dreams. Dreams are truer than reality, because it has a transforming power. Dreams are a part of the fertile and unbounded world of imagination. The Athenian lovers flee to the wood, falling asleep and enter a magical dream. After their eyes were put love potions, the supernatural world at once takes over the whole world, controlling their lives in a way they cannot follow their willing. Without knowing the dimension of dream in our lives, there can be no real self-knowledge.

The imagery establishes the dream world in A Midsummer Nights Dream. The night creates a mysterious moon. At night, the fairy realm takes control. These fairies are brainless, which leads to controversy between the humankinds. The two worlds united by moonlight are active during their times. In the play, the fairy world is dominant, because there is only one scene containing daylight. The sound announces the return while the sun rises. The forest, flowers, water, and the rest of nature seem to be away from the human world. This is a necessary setting for the dream world. The main theme in the play is dreams. As mentioned before, dreams are truer than reality because they are the unbounded world of imagination. The fairies control the dreams; therefore they control your mind. Also a mad and lovely theme weaves together unrelated parts of the play. Shakespeare creates unity by fulfilling the play with moonlight. Irony is a large element in the play. Many of the situations are ironic. Theseus won Hippolyta with his sword. Helena's affection for Demetrius seems to make him hate her, but the hatred eventually turns to love. Helena constantly pursues Demetrius, like tigers hunt food unstopping in the forest. The fairy world has greater impact than the real world. This is ironic because the fairies have no intelligence or emotions like human beings.

A Midsummer Night's Dream is the most romantic of Shakespeare's comedies. The fantasy world and erotic nature of the play draws relation into this play. This relation leads to the making of couples different movies and theater performances. The viewing of the play adds to its dramatic nature, allowing first hand contrast between how we felt and how someone else felt about. A Midsummer Night's Dream compares to "Romeo and Juliet." The similarity in characters and the plot is that Romeo and Juliet was written before A Midsummer Night's Dream. This play is a natural reaction of Shakespeare's mind to Romeo because of his attitude toward love and life. The forbidden love and pain are all elements in the comparison. Shakespeare successfully combines mystery, love, and comedy into one play. This play is the most beautiful and romantic plays written by Shakespeare.

Please note that this sample paper on A Midsummer Night's Deam is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on A Midsummer Night's Deam, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on A Midsummer Night's Deam will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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New England vs. Chesapeake Societies


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on New England vs. Chesapeake Societies. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality New England vs. Chesapeake Societies paper right on time. Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in New England vs. Chesapeake Societies, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your New England vs. Chesapeake Societies paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service! Although New England and the Chesapeake regions were both settled largely by people of English origin, by the 1770's, these areas had developed into distinctly different societies. This was due mainly to the economic, religious, and political/social factors that helped to shape both of these societies and the New World.

All societies in the New World had to contend with economic struggles and hardships in order to survive and flourish. This was certainly true of the Chesapeake region, which was based primarily on personal economic gain. Even early settlers had to contend with greedy, money-making schemes that kept many in poverty (Document F). Most of the English immigrants who traveled to the Chesapeake region were young men who had high ambition of succeeding in the New World (Document C). This ambition led to the success of the tobacco crop. A vast amount of farm area and slave labor contributed greatly to the success of tobacco and therefore caused plantations and farms to be much more spread out than in the New England colony, causing much less community involvement and a more independent view of life in the New World. Unlike the Chesapeake region, New England did not originate as a society built upon monetary gain, but rather as a society intended to flourish economically by devoting their practices primarily to bettering the community and to provide for the common man. New England proposed strict laws upon their merchants because the Puritan beliefs clashed with merchant ones (Document E). Also, because New England was a tightly knit community, they were unable to produce as many goods as the Chesapeake region, therefore causing economic growth to be less.

Religion and religious conflicts helped to shape many societies throughout history. This is very true of the New England society. John Winthrop's vision of "a city upon a hill" was the collective vision of the majority of individuals in the New England colonies (Document A). Having escaped from religious persecution in England, New England gave Puritans the opportunity to develop a society from scratch based on the idealistic morals and beliefs that they had for so long tried to instill in England. The community played a major role in Puritan lives because they were expected to not only provide for their own survival, but for the community's survival as well. These beliefs brought this society a sense of togetherness that the Chesapeake society did not posses. Most emigrants traveled to the New England area with families and because families became very tightly knit; this created great stability and firmness within the society (Document B). The Chesapeake society, because it was based mainly on individual success did not establish a religious society in the least. The main goal of the Chesapeake society was economic and religious practices. There was also a shortage of clergymen, which did not enable the Chesapeake society to gain half as much religious insight, as the New England society, which led both colonies to a completely different outlook on life and way of life (Document D).

Political and social events always help in shaping a developing society, which is certainly true of political events in both the Chesapeake and New England societies. Because New England had a firm, religious bases, political events and uprisings were usually caused by religious tensions, although economic development did cause some conflict. New states were constantly being formed in order to accommodate new beliefs and ideas that were not tolerable to the Puritans. In fact, most of the states surrounding the Massachusetts area were formed because certain members of the Puritan community (Roger Williams, Thomas Hooker, ect.) were displeased with how the government and the law making bodies in Massachusetts were dealing with the issues presented to them. Strict laws were imposed upon the communities in New England in order to establish firm societies. The Old Deluder Act is a perfect example of how easily political bodies passed bills and laws in New England so they could better their religious community. Throughout the history of the Chesapeake society, we were able to locate events and uprisings caused mainly by economic and social conflicts. Due to the fact that there was an uneven distribution of wealth in this society, many people living I poorer conditions felt great resentment toward those living in luxury. Social tensions between settlers and Indians greatly added to the conflicts of the Chesapeake society faced. Because Virginia was such a vast amount of area to govern, the officials had no means of defending all of its borders against raids and attacks (Document G). Poor settlers in the area felt that they were not being adequately defended. This belief led to riots such as Bacon's Rebellion against Governor Berkley in 1676 (Document H). Discontent between social classes was a major issue in the Chesapeake society since about 75% of Virginia consisted of indentured servants, as were the economic situations of most settlers in the area, merely trying to sustain a livelihood and succeed in the New World.

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Even though settlers that established both the New England and Chesapeake societies originated from the same country, they developed many different beliefs and customs that formed both into two very different societies. Economics helped to shape the New England society and was the basis upon which the Chesapeake thrived. Religion was a vital part of the New England society and brought about very little impact upon the Chesapeake. Political and social tensions often determined the course of events that both societies faced. These societies are prime examples of how different priorities and goals in people will lead to the development of very different societies, regardless of the fact that those individuals may have originated from the same country.

Please note that this sample paper on New England vs. Chesapeake Societies is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on New England vs. Chesapeake Societies, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on New England vs. Chesapeake Societies will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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